Born in Split, Croatia.
Also lived in Berlin, Germany and Lyon, France.
Now living in Cape Town, South Africa.
I lived in Lyon in 2000 for 1 year and travelled often to Paris. I was on a language / work exchange program there. Don’t have much to say here, else that it was a very interesting and challenging place and time.
I now live in Cape Town, my third home – I’ve lived here for ten years now. Again, it’s a whole different culture with its own heavy history and mentality of its people – which is why it took me a while to really feel comfortable here, but I now sincerely love everything about it. I love the landscapes and the people, and somehow Cape Town is a mix between Split and Berlin – I see both towns in this one.
What I struggled with the most over the years was that I was always seen as The German while I was in Split and as The Yugo/Croatian when I was in Berlin. People hear my accent and my search for words when I speak any of the languages and always ask “Where are you from?” This always bothered me and I came up with the strangest answers just to make them feel bad for asking. I hated the fact that people always needed to place me somewhere even though I was right there in front of them. In the past years I’ve come to love the fact that I’m from somewhere else and now fully embrace the positive side of being different.