Georgia: Cape Fold Mountains

305 x 203 narrative

I have part of this image in my wallet. A small bit of reddish earth, some tufts of dry bush, the curve of the road ahead, the arresting Cape Fold Mountains. It is midsummer, and it may be the middle of the day. I can tell it is scorching! I see this corner of home when I pay for anything in Canada. I see it each time I use my library card, or when I’m at the coffee shop and I get my loyalty card punched, or when I go to the pool for a swim. Typically, most of the year here is cold and dark. I find that really hard. Some winters are unbearable, and I get very tired and drawn. This image in my wallet is on the one hand hopeful: a bit of Karoo light, shining. On the other hand it’s a reminder of where I am not, and where I most often want to be.