Johan: Stockholm

196 x 200 narrative

In 2007 I was a lost boy. I quit my job, was searching for the meaning of life and was struggling to find somewhere to settle down. Gothenburg was not my city, neither was Barcelona. I ended up in Stockholm, the city I had earlier in my life put a huge line through and said “I´ll never ever move there, too hectic.” But then all my friends seemed to move there, so I did too. After a few weeks on a friend’s couch I met a guy in a bar who said he had an apartment he was giving up. I had zero-dot-zero ideas on the structure of the city but just said, hell yeah, I want it. I stayed there for four years and loved every moment, and that neighbourhood really got into my heart. After four years away from it we (Amy and our newborn Ben) decided to move back there. That was a great decision, and my heart belongs there. I took this photo on my very first day back in the hood, as the sun was rising between the buildings. My gaaawd, my obsession with shooting at sunrise and sunset will never disappear. And Hornstull will always be home in Stockholm.